My Love, My Muse: The Quiet Magic of His Support
Writing can be a solitary artform. We spend hours in front of a screen or notepad creating our novels, often giving up social events, hobbies, and personal time to bring our magical worlds to life. Yet one aspect of my life has never changed, never disappeared, and never wavered: the unwavering support of my loving partner. In many ways, he is my muse when it comes to writing.
As writers, we are taught to write from the heart, drawing inspiration from our experiences and the people around us. When my partner says something funny, poignant, or simply makes my heart flutter, I make an effort to remember it. He has grown used to me carrying a notepad or sticky notes wherever we go, and he sometimes jokes about it. Often, he’ll make me laugh until I’m in tears, and as soon as I regain composure, I pull out my pen to jot down the moment. I know that one day, a character in one of my books will deliver a similar line.
After deep conversations, there’s often a pause, followed by his knowing smile as he asks, “You’re going to write that down, aren’t you?”
Yes. Yes, I am.
It’s become an inside joke between us. He knows that anything he says or does might end up in a future book. Perhaps it’ll be a witty argument between Welt and a tired Morgana, or maybe a cheeky quip from Steve the Skeleton.
But he isn’t just my muse. He’s also the logical voice that grounds me when I spiral into a void of creative chaos. Anyone who follows me on Threads might remember a recent post about a simple piece of advice he gave me that resolved half a day’s worth of writing frustrations. Writers can often get too close to their work, rereading the same sentence five times and still not finding the solution.
In those moments, I storm off to find him, rant about my frustrations, and collapse into his arms for comfort. It’s like magic—he absorbs all my negative energy and, with a calm perspective, offers a simple suggestion that I hadn’t considered. Sometimes, his advice works immediately. Other times, I stubbornly reject it and stomp around like a rampaging monster until I find a solution inspired by his ideas. Either way, he always manages to calm the raging creator in the room.
When I first told him I’d started writing again, he didn’t hesitate to support me. Every day, he’d ask how my writing was going, or if I’d prefer some uninterrupted writing time or to spend time together. Sometimes, I feel like he believes in my dreams more than I do. He already envisions a future where people are reading my books, pre-ordering sequels, and creating fan art of my characters.
Yet, his unwavering belief in me can be overwhelming. I worry about living up to his expectations, about never wanting to disappoint him. But then I remind myself that I have nothing to lose. My novels will be completed on my timeline, without external pressure or deadlines. This helps ease the weight of those expectations. I’ll craft my stories to the best of my ability and release them into the wild for others to enjoy.
That’s a challenge all writers face: once your work is out there, there’s no taking it back. But I find comfort in knowing that, no matter what happens, my number one fan will always believe in me.
So, I write for him, for myself, and for everyone who believes in chasing their dreams—no matter what the world throws at them.