Parallel Worlds: The Magic of Joint Points of View
This week we look at the benefits of having a joint point of view in a novel. How does two opposing points of view help bring balance to a story?
The Timeline Tapestry
This week, we’re diving into the concept of time. How do you keep track of it? How can the magic of time shape your story?
My Love, My Muse: The Quiet Magic of His Support
This week, I’m sharing a more personal side of my writing journey: my muse. Join me as I reflect on my soon-to-be husband and the incredible ways he supports and inspires my creativity every step of the way.
Scales of Conflict
This week, we’re diving into conflict—exploring how I categorize it and showcasing examples from my novel to illustrate how conflicts of different magnitudes shape the world, characters, and timeline.
Character Creation and the Eternal Oath-Sworn Skeleton
This week, we're diving into characters and sharing some of the ideas I love exploring when bringing them to life. Plus, you'll meet a brand-new character: The Eternal Oath-Sworn Skeleton! Who is this mysterious skeleton? Who was he before his demise? And, most importantly, why on earth is he holding a cup of coffee?
Draft Number… Yes
This week, we dive into a dilemma every writer faces: drafting. How many drafts are too many? And what really counts as a draft?
Scary Reality of Writer’s Block
This week I dive in to the scary fear many writers have faced… writer’s block